Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Changed My Relationship with Food

New Year, new me, wipe the slate clean and begin anew but this time taking all that I have learned along with me. Leaving behind all that didn’t work and joyfully balancing my suitcase full of beliefs, passions, understanding, habits and aches, pains, poorer hearing, and intense love/hate feelings about self.

This is it. This is the year I am finally going to come face to face with my lack of will power and love of food. What’s not to love? It is always there for me. I don’t have to get dressed up and try and hide any physical imperfections, no make-up needed. No judgments about how I spend my time or the tone of voice I use, or how active or inactive I am. I can read what I want and watch any stupid TV program I want. Food will still be there, my friend. Offering me solace, and warmth and a sense of completeness. I am not alone! I am with and full of, and fully engaged with food; either buying it or putting it away or cooking it, my BFF. And I thought it loved me back.

Lately my BFF has been causing me some problems. My clothes are getting tight and it is harder to go up and down the stairs, and my dog wants me to walk faster but I get tired too fast and have to cut the walk short which he hates. What to do! I have to walk up and down stairs to get to my bedroom and to the washer/dryer and to go outside. My dog needs exercise and I can’t afford to replace all the pants in my closet. What kind of love is this? My stomach hurts a lot of the time and I am spending quite a lot of time in the bathroom(s) of wherever I am.

I don’t think I ever understood how to really be good friends with food.

I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, within reason. Or anyway within my reason, which meant I stopped when I was full. The only problem was, as I got older it was harder and harder to tell when I was full, as I wasn’t just eating to assuage hunger but also to feel good. There is always room for “feel good food”. Right! As life got harder and more complicated I too got closer to food.

I mostly knew this wasn’t working well for me but it sure is hard to change a good tasting ingrained habit with my conscious mind. I worked at it and for a time and it paid off. I was able to maintain a low weight for years and then WHAM BAM! Without even noticing I was back up. I have pants in my closet ranging in size from 6-16. This has gone on for many years. Getting headaches from certain food didn’t stop me. Stomachaches, poor elimination, postnasal drip, acne, none of these reactions to foods stopped me.

I have done all kinds of diets and have been successful. I am a master dieter. I can do anything as long as there is an end date. As soon as the diet was over I had a really good time enjoying all the food I had deprived myself of during the diet. Ding, dong the diet is over, let’s eat! Was my motto!

I even tried Hypnosis. That worked really well for a number of years but again it didn’t last.

About 7 years ago I learned more about hypnosis and why hypnosis for weight loss didn’t last for me and now I’ve put what I have learned into practice.

I am bringing this understanding into 2017 with me. I learned that as long as I only look at the symptom and work only with that I will never be successful in making lasting change. And that is what I want. I don’t want to keep doing this yoyo thing. I am sick of it.

I have learned how to work with the subconscious mind to address the underlying limiting beliefs that led to the attitude that FOOD is my BFF. I understand the attraction of distraction from uncomfortable feelings. For me it is finally falling into place in a way that makes sense and feels right.

In November I started with that deep hypnosis and I learned about what food meant to my little one which led to a strong desire to change my eating habits. I told food that I wanted a new relationship; a more respectful one, a relationship that nourished my body without hurting it.

The second thing hypnosis helped me to do was to stop eating sugar. This was huge. I was a sugar addict. I can’t think of anything I didn’t put sugar on or in.

It was two weeks of horrible headaches and an irritating personality but at the end of it I felt so good. (And my family heaved a big sigh of relief!). I then stopped eating other carbs. No bread, white potatoes, pasta, rice, or other grains. And with hypnosis I didn’t mind. I found I wasn’t interested in these foods. I had used hypnosis to rid myself of the limiting beliefs that kept me stuck in the viscous cycle of diets and I also found I lost all cravings for certain foods.

Again, I credit hypnosis with my ability to make changes easily and without any feelings of deprivation. It has been 3 months and I have lost 26 lbs. My goal is to eat well and listen to my stomach when it tells me to stop eating. All I can say is it has never been this easy and I have not felt this good in the past. I am not anxious to lose the weight as fast as possible, as I have been in the past.   Rather now, I have a knowing that I will one of these days be at a healthy weight for my age and height and body type. It will take as long as it takes. This time I am enjoying the journey. I am feeling better and better as I have changed my relationship with food forever. I feel strong and emotionally healthy, back in control.    Finally I have a healthy relationship with food.  I am going to do this forever because it feels so good and is so easy!

Call me-503-289-3614  Let’s Change Your Relationship with Food Forever!

 See More Detail: http://www.lovingkindnesshypnosis.com/

Friday, 27 January 2017

Self Hypnosis Training

Your emotional health determines the quality of your life. It is the foundation of self-confidence, which leads to achievement. What do you need to be healthy?

By simply remembering who you are, you can play the unique role that only you can fulfill. It is not about living a perfect life; it’s about living a life that’s perfect for you.

What changes do you want to make in 2017? Hypnosis will help.

Spend 1.5 hours in a small group learning how to hypnotize yourself so you can have, at your fingertips, the tools you need, to make the changes you want in your life.

Call 503-201-5162 to Register $30.00

For More Information :     Hypnosis for weight loss

Saturday, 7 January 2017

NGH Approved Banyan Hypnosis Certification Super Course

Become a Professional Hypnotist/ Hypnotherapist in this NGH Approved Certification Course

2017 Training 

Training-100 hours/10 days – January 23, 2017 – February 3, 2017 Weekend Off
8:00 am – 6:00 pm First day begins at 9:00 am

Hi, I’m Laney Coulter, Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified Professional Hypnotherapy Instructor. I teach the NGH Approved Banyan Hypnosis Certification Super Course because I believe it is the absolute best hypnosis and hypnotherapy training available today. In each 100 hour class, you will learn everything you need to get started in a career as a professional hypnotherapist.

I am passionate about what I do and you will be too. Working with people to help them change their lives in many positive ways is awe inspiring and touches my heart plus I actually get paid to do this!! This training can be stand alone or add more tools to your tool box if you want to add hypnosis to your practice. At the end of this training you will have the skills and confidence to be a 1% er, the best of the best, in the field of hypnotherapy.

Basic and Advanced Hypnosis Training

When you train as a 5-PATH (R) Hypnotherapist/Hypnotist you become part of the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) which is the world’s largest and oldest hypnosis organization, and you become certified in 5-PATH (R) 5 Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnosis.

This is an Elite Hypnosis Training Program

Our curriculum is designed to provide a complete approach to hypnosis which enables you to immediately become a practicing Hypnotherapist (Hypnotist), working with individuals and groups. Upon completion of this Level I and Level II (5-PATH (R)) training, you will be able to help clients deal with fears and anxieties, self-confidence and esteem issues, sports performance, sales performance, weight, stop smoking and most problems presented to Hypnotherapists. You will feel comfortable and confident seeing clients when your training is complete.In addition to learning the basics, you will learn the unique 5-PATH (R). This is a thorough multiphase approach which was designed to uncover and overcome subconscious issues. In this system, you will utilize some of the most powerful hypnotherapeutic tools, including Direct Suggestion, Age Regression, Forgiveness Therapy and Parts Mediation Therapy, applied together in a systematic, reliable and highly effective process.

Special hypnosis training and experience will be available using 7th Path Self-Hypnosis(R), a series of self-hypnosis techniques designed to remove old blockages to success, before attempting to give yourself new suggestions. This new approach has received highest praise from both students and clients. Note that 7th Path (R) is a holistic Mind-Body-Spirit approach that far surpasses classical approaches to self-hyipnosis. For most students, this in one of the greatest benefits of taking the course!

Everything that you need is included in the Tuition Fees. With the training programs all of your required materials are included in the cost of the course. No additional purchases are required. In fact, we are including at no extra charge, materials that go beyond those required by the NGH. We also offer additional books, cds/dvds and training videos for those who wish to purchase them and continue to learn more at a reduced price while you are in the course. But these materials are not required. You also get at no extra cost; Unbeatable Ongoing Support After You Graduate and many More Benefits!


  • Approved by the NGH and meets qualification for membership (and membership is included in the tuition). The NGH is the oldest and largest professional hypnosis organization in the world, and it’s highly regarded.
  • No surprises; all required materials are included in the tuition
  • 100 hours of training – provides all training necessary to become a member of
    Oregon Hypnotherapy Association
  • This training is for passionate and caring people who want to make a difference. We teach hypnosis with heart and the training and application is deeply meaningful and rewarding. By learning the absolute best techniques in a systematic approach you WILL be able to help all of your clients efficiently and effectively. We also have plenty of students that just come to learn hypnosis for their own understanding, and we love and encourage that.
  • Practical and accelerated course designed by Cal Banyan, well-known award-winning trainer.
  • You will receive instructions and materials needed to master powerful forgiveness techniques that will help your clients succeed.
  • Learn how to write and customize hypnotic suggestions and hypnotic scripts.
  • Free ongoing support after you graduate (e-mail groups, telephone and more). Once you become a 5-PATH graduate, you will receive the best ongoing support in the business. We want you to be successful and provide ongoing support to ensure your ongoing success-whether you’re just getting started in hypnosis or deepening your understanding.
  • Comprehensive course covering all of the main issues for which clients seek services.
  • You will learn instant and rapid hypnotic inductions, direct and hidden deepening and testing techniques, Parts Therapies, 5-PATH (R) and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis (R).
  • Daily practice your hypnosis skills during the course, including inductions, deepening and testing.
  • Learn how to build your business from those who know how. Based on the experience of one of the largest and most successful hypnosis centers in the Midwest, East and West Coasts.
  • Optional books, CD’s, DVD’s are available for ongoing professional development
  • Our Course is Guaranteed if you are not satisfied with our course for any reason, by the lunch break on the first day, you can simply turn in all of your materials and we will refund your money.


Call Today to receive more free information about the hypnosis training and certification course at 503-289-3614. We understand that you likely have questions about our program and we are happy to answer them for you. You can also email us directly at laney@lovingkindnesshypnosis.com

Are you already a certified hypnotherapist? Then undoubtedly you have heard about 5-PATH (R) and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis (R). A 7 Day Advanced Training for Hypnotherapists is scheduled for 2017.
Call for more details 503-289-3614

If you really want to know if it is right for you I invite you to schedule a 1:1 call with me. I’d love to share with you more details about hypnosis training options and what would be right for you. Call me 503-289-3614.

 Get started on a path to your new life today. Learn Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy in this comprehensive certification course.

Tuition includes all materials and two CD’s plus a one year membership in the National Guild of Hypnotists

See More Information : Hypnosis for weight loss | Hypnosis for healthy sleep