Thursday, 16 February 2017


It’s the middle of February! I am not sure how it got here so fast, but here we are, and the theme for this month is love.
Love can create powerful and confusing feelings for many of us. It often accompanies expectations and conditions that are difficult to separate.
Often if we haven’t had good role models in life, we may confuse the feeling of love with other strong feelings and we miss an opportunity to increase the love in our lives.
Love comes in so many forms: love of our family, our partner, animals, and our friends.
In the month of February we celebrate Valentine’s Day, which most people think of as a day to celebrate romance.
Whether you are in a romantic relationship or not, you can use this month as a springboard to create abundant love by making sure your partner, friends and important people in your life know they are loved.
We really can shift the world through love, but we must have love in our own hearts first.
Hypnosis can help you move the blocks that have kept you from opening your heart, fully, to love. Treating yourself with loving kindness is the first step toward more intimacy and love in your life.
I would love to guide you on your journey to self-love.
I invite you to download the “Journey to Love” hypnosis for you to listen to at least 3X a week to help you open your heart.
When you do that you are growing your heart, which in turn will open you to giving and receiving love more easily and joyfully.
Let’s do Great Things Together!
Warm Regards,