Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Hypnosis for Weight Loss Portland Oregon

Finally, the seed catalogs have arrived. They bring with them a lot of good memories and anticipation of sunny skies and warmth.

I am so ready to see the sun. I have been working really hard to keep my spirits up as day after day I go outside to walk the dog, or go to work, and am greeted with another grey, wet day. I don’t remember Portland having so many overcast days in row, before.

I love spring! I love the sun! New leaves, grasses, flowers, and little baby everythings! It all looks new and clean and light and just wonderful. It’s the season of smiles, layers, short sleeves, open shoes, drinks on the back porch, warm showers that don’t last all day and tulips!

This begins the time of year my diet changes from hot filling, comforting foods to lighter and brighter and cooler dishes. I have spent the winter enjoying my new relationship with food. We are friends now. I can finally say with confidence, that I no longer use food for emotional support. I no longer have cravings and best of all I no longer wake up to consciousness just as I am finishing a bag of cookies. With hypnosis I have learned to be present in most moments of the day, especially those times when food is involved.

If you have been reading about my journey to get back in control of my life by respecting and loving myself enough to do what is most beneficial for my health and well being. Then you know a part of this journey is to get my body back to a healthy weight that is easy to maintain along with a consistent exercise program. (I am still working on the exercise piece). What I have gained understanding of is why I found solace in food. What it represented to me. With the help of hypnosis I have been able to reframe the issue and take the food component out. That gave me the space to reintroduce food as nourishment not distraction and that changed my relationship with it, a lot.

Since November when I began this journey, I have let go of 32 lbs. I did not lose it, as I have no intention of finding it again!! I just bid it farewell and was ecstatic to let it go. No fear, no remorse, just relief and satisfaction.

The thing about it is I am finding this is not hard and it is fun. I don’t feel deprived of anything. I just feel good and in control. My goal is to be a healthy, strong, slim old lady. I am now working with hypnosis on getting back into a consistent exercise program that is right for me. At the moment I can’t think what that would be…LOL! Stay tuned!

From my heart to yours…you too can do this…call me let’s design a program that will work for you.

More Information:  Hypnosis for healthy sleep

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